A very short update about the project activity of Sichya in Phulasi in 2019

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A very short update about the project activity of Sichya in Phulasi in 2019. This year we could extend our support to more number of children compare to previous year. More than 85 children were benefitted from our program. Education materials like School dress, bags, copies were distributed to the students of Kalidevi higher secondary school, Lamachure school,Boudha bisli school and Milti jana jyoti school.
Through the help from Eckhart collage Eindhoven, support to Milti Janajyoti school was made possible. The children from this school hardly get support from any of the organization, but they were in need of help. So, Sichya project made a decision to help children from this school. Beside education materials , sports materials were also distributed to motivate the children to stay active and fit. At the end we all the Sichya family would like to thank each and every individual and sponsors for their continuous support. Also, bunch of thank goes to all the kind-hearted staff and children of Eckhart college Eindhoven and all the volunteers and active members of “Wereld better dag”. Without your support, it wouldn’t be possible for us to help these needy children. We sincerely thank all the principal and teachers from all the school for your kind co-operation. Sichya’s program motivates children to go to school and create equal educational opportunities to all.

Stichting Sichya project Netherlands.

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